I will be taking an indefinite hiatus from writing. For the past two years, it had been my plan to put out "The Light of the World" before disappearing from the indie author scene, whatever the fuck that is. All the time, effort, and money I put into this project was fully realized on 6.27.14, when I tweeted Kid Congo Powers on what would've been Jeffrey Lee Pierce's 56th birthday and told him about this book. He was the bright spot in that otherwise stressful day, as nearly half the blogs who had signed up to review this book for a release day romp didn't put up their postings and never answered my tour organizers' emails. In the end, it was only fitting that someone who's played guitar in 3 bands I've loved most of my life showed me more respect than these women who had signed up to participate but couldn't be bothered to honor their commitment.
It's not because of those flakey bloggers that I'm going on this hiatus, either. I've been wanting to take a break for the longest time. A year after I released Miss World, I started playing guitar for the first time in almost 18 years. That was a huge milestone for me and last fall, I started singing again. This summer, I also found the perfect day job. When I come home, I'm too tired to put words to the computer screen. There's more immediate pleasure in turning on my amp and strapping on my guitar. Hearing my favorite chords bounce off my apartment walls.
Seriously, tweeting Kid Congo Powers was pretty much all I hoped to achieve when "The Light of the World" was released. I wrote and published the book I always dreamed of writing, exactly the way I wanted to, everyone else's wishes and biases be damned. It was all for myself and the ghost of Jeffrey Lee Pierce. Now that it's done, it's time to move on.
Thank you for your friendship and support.
It took me four years, lots of false starts and heartache, almost being hospitalized and a pretty chunk of change, but I can proudly say that I wrote and published a book exactly the way I wanted, and I did it all for him on what would’ve been his 56th birthday. Rest in peace, Jeffrey Lee, and thank you.